Sweet time in a sweet place.

Hey guys! Im starting a new thing! Im so excited, so once a month I’m going to be posting about my monthly faves. What God has been speaking to me in that month. Etc! This month has been slightly less chaotic, which honestly Is the biggest weight ever. I’ve been reminded so much of the…

Trust in the Process

Growth: The process of increasing in size. -Maturation -Blooming I wrote a blog post last April Called “Dear You.” A letter written to whomever I will end up with in the future. (Lucky guy.) I re-read it a year later. A more mature, seasoned me. A woman that is cleaning up her mess. A woman…

It’s Okay

It’s okay to not be okay. We all get sad, we all have hard times. We do. And it’s okay. It’s apart of life. The past year and a half have been a real whirlwind of emotions for me. From graduating college, figuring out what to do with my life, moving to a new state,…

Honesty is the best policy.

So for those who know, i’m a recent grad. I’ve never worked full time before. I never took a break from the extra activities I did. I always had something to do with a part-time job. Honestly, I’ve come from an environment where I was surrounded by Christians. Backstory time, before I went to GCU….